While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…Victim of Crime
Many people wonder if prison ministry makes any difference in the lives of women and men behind bars. It's a fair question. Like most other things in the world, the answer probably depends in part on the nature of the ministry and the people involved.
If you have ever asked this question or had others ask you in the context of your own prison ministry, Doing Time With God affirmatively answers that question as one of the best prison ministry books.
The Best Books For Prisoners To Read Have One Thing In Common: They Open Inmates' Hearts To God's Healing Presence In Prison
Having convicted loved ones can be quite heartbreaking. It could be your husband, your wife, your son, father, mother or even a friend. Maybe they were convicted of something they were guilty of or sometimes it might be happening to be in the wrong place at the wrong time or mistaken identity. Whichever the case that left them behind bars one thing is for sure; encouraging them to hold on through Christ who strengthens us is the best way to help them cope with the tough times that await them.
We all know how tough prison life can be, we’ve seen documentaries and films which highlight the lives of convicts, and one thing is evident, the only way to give them hope is through the bible and the best prison ministry books. Unfortunately, with the world today, embracing the earthly possessions, finding a place that offers inspirational books for someone in jail can prove to be quite a bewildering task. Fortunately, you don't have to look anymore as you happen to be in the right place. Whether you stumbled on our page by accident or on purpose, one thing is sure; here is where you will find the best books on prison ministry.
As you browse our website, you will notice one thing, and that is most of the books on our site encourage Christians and convicts to live for the Lord. The reason why we decided to begin this website is that we noticed for a long time now that prisoners have always been neglected and ignored when it comes to matters of the gospel. Many community members have given up on inmates and already declared them a lost course.
However, we all live by the grace of our God, no one is perfect and were it not for the mercy of God we wouldn’t be here. That is why we seek to offer hope and a second chance for incarcerated men and women through prison ministry books. A second chance in life does not necessarily mean being freed from the chains that tie them today but the shackles of criminal thinking so that they can participate in Christ’s purposes of peace.
We have a diverse selection of recommended Christian books, prison ministry messages to help inmates stay engaged with meaning and purpose, and change their ways while incarcerated. Through our array of Christian books, your loved one can focus on something better other than his/her life behind bars. We also have a long string of inspirational books for someone in jail. Inmates can take time and be inspired to step further into their God-given potential.
Nonetheless, that does not necessarily mean that you must have a loved one in jail for you to access our rich selection because even ordinary people can still get access to the best prison ministry books since, in one way or another, we are prisoners of something. Hence through the lessons you learn from our recommended Christian books for prisoners you can break whatever chains may be tying you down.
On top of all our motives, we want to see the name of the Lord being glorified by everything with breath and that is why we want to spread the word, especially to those who the world seems to have forgotten. We believe this is possible through providing sound information about Christian books, prison ministry resources that enable incarcerated people to experience the unconditional love of God right where they are.