Oregon Eviction Laws: 2024 Step by Step Process & Costs


Eviction laws in Oregon stand as a complex but crucial aspect of the landlord-tenant relationship, embodying a set of rules and procedures to ensure fairness and legality in the housing sector. These laws are designed to protect both parties' interests, balancing landlords' rights to manage their properties with tenants' rights to secure and fair housing. This guide delves into the intricacies of the Oregon eviction process, offering a thorough understanding of the legal framework, the grounds upon which evictions can be based, the requisite notices, and the sequential steps involved in legally removing a tenant from a property.

In Oregon, the legal landscape governing evictions is detailed and precise, requiring landlords to meticulously follow set procedures to carry out a lawful eviction. The reasons for eviction under Oregon law can range from non-payment of rent and lease violations to illegal activities on the premises. For tenants, these laws provide a safeguard against unlawful eviction and ensure they are treated fairly in the process. It is crucial for landlords to issue the correct form of notice, whether it be a no-cause eviction notice for month-to-month tenancies or a for-cause notice for specific lease violations. Tenants, on their part, need to understand these notices and their rights to respond appropriately.

This guide also addresses practical aspects of the eviction process, such as the costs involved, strategies for preventing eviction disputes, and the responsibilities and rights of landlords and tenants. Additionally, it tackles frequently asked questions, providing a comprehensive resource for anyone navigating the complexities of Oregon’s eviction laws. Whether you are a landlord seeking to understand your legal obligations or a tenant wanting to know your rights, this guide offers valuable insights and information to help manage and understand the eviction process in Oregon.

Understanding Oregon Eviction Laws

Oregon's eviction laws present a structured legal framework, ensuring a balanced approach to handling disputes between landlords and tenants. These laws are governed by specific statutes, and adherence to them is crucial to conduct lawful evictions. This section will explore the legal framework, the various grounds for eviction, and the notice requirements as set forth in Oregon's eviction laws.

Legal Framework

The legal framework for evictions in Oregon is primarily governed by the Oregon Revised Statutes. These laws are detailed and require careful adherence to avoid legal challenges. It's essential for landlords to familiarize themselves with these statutes to ensure they follow the correct legal procedures during an eviction. Similarly, tenants should be aware of these laws to understand their rights and possible defenses against eviction. The statutes are subject to change, so staying informed about the latest legal requirements is important.

Grounds for Eviction

The legal grounds for evictions in Oregon encompass both for-cause and no-cause scenarios. For-cause evictions are typically initiated due to violations of the rental agreement by the tenant. Common reasons include non-payment of rent, infractions of lease terms such as having unauthorized pets or causing property damage, and engaging in illegal activities on the rental premises. Another basis for a for-cause eviction arises when a tenant refuses to renew their lease agreement upon expiration. Alternatively, Oregon law also permits no-cause evictions, where landlords can issue a 90-day eviction notice to terminate a month-to-month tenancy without stating a specific reason. However, this method is not allowed to be used discriminatorily against any protected tenant group.

Notice Requirements

Notices are a pivotal element in the eviction process, with each type carrying distinct requirements and timelines. For instance, a 10-day notice is usually issued for lease violations like keeping unpermitted pets, offering the tenant a period of ten days to address the issue. In more severe cases, such as substantial harm caused by a tenant’s pet or major lease violations, a 24-hour notice may be employed. Additionally, violations related to drug or alcohol-free housing rules typically result in a 48-hour notice. Adhering to these specific notice requirements is crucial for a legally compliant eviction process, emphasizing the importance of understanding and following these directives for both landlords and tenants engaged in the eviction procedure.

Grounds for Eviction in Oregon

Oregon's eviction laws provide specific grounds under which landlords can legally remove tenants from their property. These grounds are categorized into "for cause" and "no cause" evictions, each with its own set of criteria and legal procedures. Understanding these grounds is crucial for both landlords and tenants in order to navigate the eviction process effectively and lawfully.

For Cause Evictions

Non-Payment of Rent

This is the most common reason for eviction. If rent is not paid on time, landlords can initiate the eviction process.

Lease Violations

These include unauthorized pets, property damage, and illegal activities on the property. Tenants are typically given a chance to rectify these violations before eviction proceedings begin.

Illegal Activity

Engaging in illegal activities on the premises is a serious violation that can lead to immediate eviction.

Repeated Lease Violations

Tenants who repeatedly violate lease terms after receiving warnings are subject to eviction.

Refusal to Renew Lease

If a tenant refuses to renew their lease upon expiration and continues to occupy the premises, eviction proceedings can be initiated.

No Cause Evictions

Month-to-Month Tenancies

Landlords can end a month-to-month tenancy without stating a specific reason by issuing a 90-day notice. However, these evictions must not be discriminatory or retaliatory.

Property Repurposing or Renovation

If a landlord needs to evict a tenant due to significant renovations or changing the use of the property, they can do so with appropriate notice.

Additional Grounds

Owner Move-In

Eviction can occur if the landlord or their immediate family members plan to move into the property.

Understanding the grounds for eviction in Oregon is crucial for both landlords and tenants. Landlords must ensure they have a valid reason and follow the proper legal process, while tenants should be aware of these reasons to protect their rights.

Notice Requirements for Eviction in Oregon

In Oregon, adherence to specific notice requirements is a critical step in the eviction process, with each type of notice tailored to the situation at hand. These notices are formal indications from landlords to tenants regarding potential eviction and must be executed in compliance with state law.

72-Hour/144-Hour Notice for Non-Payment of Rent

This notice is issued when a tenant is late on rent, giving them either 72 hours to pay after being seven days overdue, or 144 hours after being five days overdue.

30-Day Notice for Cause

Applied for lease violations, this notice provides tenants with 30 days to correct the issue or face eviction. Common violations include unauthorized occupants or pets.

24-Hour Notice for Severe Violations

In cases of extreme violations like illegal activities, landlords can issue a 24-hour notice demanding immediate corrective action or eviction.

No-Cause Eviction Notice

For month-to-month leases, landlords may issue a no-cause eviction notice, generally requiring 30 or 60 days’ notice, with specific rules in certain areas, such as mandatory relocation assistance in Portland.

90-Day Notice for Landlord-Based Evictions

If a landlord intends to repurpose the property, undertake major renovations, or have family members move in, a 90-day notice is required.

14-Day Notice for Repeated Violations

If a tenant repeatedly commits the same or similar violations within a six-month period, landlords may issue a 14-day notice. This notice states that the tenant must vacate the property within 14 days without the option to remedy the violation.

Notice for Fixed-Term Lease Expiration

Near the end of a fixed-term lease, if a landlord doesn't intend to renew the lease, they must provide a notice to the tenant. The required notice period varies based on the duration of the tenancy.

Notice for Rent Increases

In cases where the landlord intends to increase the rent, they are required to provide a notice to the tenant. The length of this notice depends on the amount of the increase and the type of tenancy.

Notice for Changes in Lease Terms

Apart from rent increases, any other changes to the terms of the lease, such as rules or policies, require a notice to the tenant. This ensures that tenants are adequately informed of any changes that might affect their tenancy.

Sale of Property Notice

If a rental property is sold and the new owner intends to occupy it, the tenant must be given notice, usually a 30-day notice, depending on the duration of tenancy and local regulations.

Notice for Property Repairs or Renovations

When significant repairs or renovations are necessary, which require the property to be vacated, landlords must provide a notice to the tenant. The notice period for this scenario varies based on the extent of the work and the impact on the tenancy

Notices must be delivered through legally prescribed methods, such as personal delivery or first-class mail, and proper documentation of this process is essential. Tenants, upon receiving a notice, have specific rights and options, including rectifying the issue, paying overdue rent, or preparing to vacate the property. Both landlords and tenants must understand these notice requirements to ensure a smooth and legally compliant eviction process.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Eviction Process

The eviction process in Oregon involves several key steps, each governed by specific legal requirements. This guide provides an overview of these steps, ensuring that both landlords and tenants understand the process.

1. Issuing the Appropriate Notice

The first step is for the landlord to issue the correct notice to the tenant, based on the reason for eviction. This could be a notice for non-payment of rent, lease violations, no-cause eviction, etc. The notice must be delivered in a legally compliant manner.

2. Waiting for the Notice Period to Expire

After issuing the notice, the landlord must wait for the notice period to expire. This period varies depending on the type of notice and can range from 24 hours to 90 days.

3. Filing an Eviction Lawsuit

If the tenant does not comply with the notice, the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit, known as a Forcible Entry and Detainer (FED) action, in court. The filing must include all relevant documentation, such as the lease agreement and the notice served.

4. Serving the Tenant with Court Papers

Once the lawsuit is filed, the tenant must be formally served with court papers, which include a summons and complaint. This service must be carried out in a manner prescribed by law, typically by a sheriff or process server.

5. Court Hearing and Judgment

The court will schedule a hearing, usually within a few weeks of the lawsuit being filed. Both the landlord and tenant will have the opportunity to present their case. The judge will then make a decision based on the evidence presented.

6. Issuance of a Writ of Execution

If the landlord wins the case, the court will issue a Writ of Execution. This document authorizes the sheriff to remove the tenant from the property.

7. Enforcement of the Writ

The sheriff will serve the Writ of Execution to the tenant, usually providing a short period for the tenant to vacate voluntarily. If the tenant does not leave, the sheriff will return to enforce the Writ and physically remove the tenant.

8. Handling Tenant's Personal Property

After eviction, there are specific rules about how to handle any personal property left behind by the tenant. The landlord must follow these rules to avoid liability.

9. Potential Appeals or Settlements

Tenants have the right to appeal the court's decision, though this is not common in eviction cases. Sometimes, landlords and tenants might reach a settlement to avoid or end the eviction process.

Each step in the eviction process in Oregon is crucial and must be executed in compliance with state laws. Landlords should ensure they follow the process correctly to avoid legal challenges, while tenants should understand their rights and options at each stage of the process. This guide provides a general overview, but specific cases may vary, and seeking legal advice is recommended for both parties.

Costs Associated with Eviction in Oregon

For Landlords

Filing Fees

Filing fees for eviction lawsuits can range from $80 to $300, depending on the county. These fees are required to initiate the legal process in court and can vary based on the specifics of the case and the court jurisdiction.

Attorney Fees

Hiring an attorney adds a significant cost, often based on hourly rates. These fees can escalate quickly, especially in prolonged or complicated eviction cases, and include costs for legal advice, document preparation, and court representation.

Service of Process Fees

The cost of formally serving court papers to the tenant typically ranges from $30 to $100. This service ensures that the tenant is legally notified of the court proceedings and is a mandatory step in the eviction process.

Loss of Rent

Landlords may lose rental income during the eviction process, particularly if the tenant stops paying rent. This loss can be a significant financial burden, especially for landlords relying on rental income to cover mortgage payments or property maintenance.

Property Damage Repairs

Repairing damage caused by tenants can vary widely in cost, depending on the extent of the damage. This might include repairs to flooring, walls, fixtures, and appliances, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Court Costs

Additional court costs may arise if the eviction case goes to trial, including fees for filing motions, obtaining court documents, or other administrative expenses related to the legal process.

Sheriff's Fees for Writ Enforcement

Enforcing a writ of execution with the sheriff's office involves fees, which are generally required to remove the tenant from the property if they do not leave voluntarily after the court order.

For Tenants

Legal Defense Costs

Hiring a lawyer for eviction defense can be expensive. These costs cover legal counsel, representation in court, and any paperwork or filings required for the defense. Legal fees can escalate if the case is complex or goes to trial.

Moving Expenses

The cost of moving can include not only the physical moving of belongings but also potential temporary housing costs. This can be particularly challenging if the eviction leads to an urgent need to relocate.

Application Fees for New Rental

When searching for a new rental, tenants often face application fees, which generally range from $30 to $50 per application. These costs can accumulate, especially when applying to multiple properties in a competitive rental market.

Potential Damage to Credit Score

Evictions can be recorded on credit reports, adversely affecting a tenant’s credit score. A lower credit score can lead to higher interest rates or difficulty securing loans or new housing in the future.

Court Costs

If a tenant decides to contest the eviction, they may incur court costs, including fees for filing legal documents, court appearances, or other related legal expenses.

Loss of Security Deposit

In eviction cases, tenants often forfeit their security deposit, which is typically used to cover unpaid rent or property damage. Losing this deposit can be a significant financial setback, especially when funds are needed for securing new housing.

The costs associated with eviction in Oregon can be substantial for both landlords and tenants. Landlords face a variety of expenses related to the legal process and property maintenance, while tenants may encounter significant financial and personal challenges. It's important for both parties to consider these potential costs when navigating the eviction process.

Cost Type Description of Costs Estimate of Costs
Filing Fees Fees for filing the eviction lawsuit in court. $80 - $300
Attorney Fees (Landlord) Legal fees for hiring an attorney, including notice drafting and court representation. $200 - $500 per hour
Service of Process Fees Costs for serving court papers to the tenant. $30 - $100
Loss of Rent (Landlord) Rental income lost during the eviction process if the tenant stops paying rent. 1-2 months of rent
Property Damage Repairs (Landlord) Costs for repairing damages to the property caused by the tenant. $100 - $5,000+
Court Costs (Landlord) Additional court-related expenses, including motions and document fees. $100 - $200
Sheriff's Fees for Writ (Landlord) Fees for the sheriff's office to enforce a writ of execution. $50 - $150
Legal Defense Costs (Tenant) Legal fees for tenants to contest an eviction, including attorney fees and court representation. $200 - $500 per hour
Moving Expenses (Tenant) Costs for tenants to move out, including moving services, vehicle rental, and storage. $400 - $2,000
Rental Application Fees (Tenant) Fees paid by tenants when applying for new rentals post-eviction. $30 - $50 per application
Credit Score Impact (Tenant) Indirect cost associated with potential negative impact on tenant's credit score due to eviction. Not monetarily quantifiable
Court Costs (Tenant) Costs incurred if a tenant decides to contest the eviction, including legal document fees. $100 - $200
Security Deposit Loss (Tenant) Loss of the security deposit, which may be used to cover unpaid rent or damages. Equal to 1-2 months of rent
Relocation Expenses (Tenant) Costs associated with finding and relocating to a new residence, including temporary housing. $1,000 - $4,000

This table provides more specific ranges for the estimated costs associated with the eviction process in Oregon. Keep in mind that the actual costs can vary based on the complexity of the eviction case, the specific services required, and the location within Oregon.

Strategies to Mitigate Evictions

Mitigating evictions is beneficial for both landlords and tenants, helping to avoid the financial and emotional costs associated with the eviction process. Here are some strategies that can be employed to minimize the likelihood of evictions:

For Landlords

Thorough Tenant Screening

A careful screening process, including credit, criminal background, and previous rental history checks, can help identify responsible tenants. This reduces the risk of rent defaults and property damage, which are common causes of eviction.

Clear Communication

Establishing a clear and consistent communication channel can help in addressing tenant concerns promptly and effectively. This might involve setting up regular check-ins or being readily available to respond to tenant queries.

Lease Agreements

Crafting detailed and legally sound lease agreements can clarify expectations and responsibilities, reducing the potential for disputes. Landlords should ensure that tenants fully understand the terms before signing.

Flexible Payment Plans

Offering flexible payment options, especially during unexpected financial downturns (like job loss), can help tenants stay on top of their rent payments and avoid the eviction process.

Regular Property Inspections

Scheduled property inspections allow landlords to ensure that the property is well-maintained and that tenants are complying with the lease terms, helping to prevent issues that could lead to eviction.

Mediation Services

In case of disputes, mediation can be a cost-effective and less adversarial way to resolve conflicts. Professional mediators can help both parties reach a mutually satisfactory agreement.

For Tenants

Understanding Lease Terms

Tenants should read and make sure they understand all aspects of the lease agreement. Asking questions and clarifying doubts before signing can prevent future disputes.

Timely Rent Payments

Consistently paying rent on time is crucial. Setting reminders or enrolling in automatic payments can help tenants avoid missing due dates.

Seeking Assistance

Tenants facing financial challenges should proactively seek out local resources like rental assistance programs, non-profit organizations, or government aid to help them meet their rental obligations.

Maintaining the Property

Respecting the property and adhering to maintenance rules not only fosters a good relationship with the landlord but also avoids lease violations related to property care.

Open Communication with Landlord

Promptly reporting issues like necessary repairs or disturbances in the property can prevent small problems from escalating into bigger issues that might lead to eviction.

By implementing these strategies, landlords and tenants can foster a positive rental relationship, minimize misunderstandings, and reduce the likelihood of evictions. These proactive steps are essential in creating a stable and respectful renting environment.

Landlord Responsibilities and Tenant Rights

In Oregon, the eviction process is governed by laws that outline specific responsibilities for landlords and rights for tenants. Understanding these is crucial for maintaining a lawful and fair rental environment.

Landlord Responsibilities

Legal Compliance

Landlords are required to follow all housing laws, including those pertaining to eviction procedures and maintaining habitable premises. Failure to comply can lead to legal penalties and tenant lawsuits.

Notice Requirements

Landlords must provide notices that are in line with state laws, whether it's for rent increases, lease violations, or intent to enter the property. These notices must be given within the specific time frames and in the prescribed manner.

Property Maintenance

Ensuring the rental property is habitable involves regular maintenance and timely repairs. This includes fixing any plumbing, heating, or electrical issues and keeping common areas safe and clean.

Respect Tenant Privacy

While landlords have the right to enter the property for inspections or repairs, they must give tenants proper notice, typically at least 24 hours, unless it's an emergency situation.


Adhering to fair housing laws, landlords must ensure they do not discriminate in their rental practices. This includes all aspects of tenant interaction, from advertising to lease terms and eviction processes.

Handling Security Deposits

Managing security deposits responsibly is a key responsibility. This includes returning the deposit within the state-mandated time frame (generally 31 days in Oregon) or providing a written statement of deductions for any damages beyond normal wear and tear.

Tenant Rights

Right to a Habitable Living Environment

Tenants are entitled to a property that meets basic safety and health standards. This includes having access to running water, functioning heating systems, and a structure that is in good repair.

Right to Privacy

Tenants have a right to enjoy their rented property without unnecessary intrusions. Landlords must respect this by providing notice before entry and conducting visits during reasonable hours.

Right to Non-Discriminatory Treatment

This right protects tenants from being treated unfairly or differently based on their race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics. It applies to all stages of the renting process.

Right to Due Process in Evictions

Tenants must be given the opportunity to respond to eviction notices and have the chance to remedy the situation, if possible, before being forcibly removed from the property.

Right to Security Deposit Return

Tenants should expect to receive their security deposit back after the tenancy ends, less any legitimate deductions. If deductions are made, landlords must provide an itemized list of charges.

Right to Fair Treatment for Repairs

When tenants request repairs, landlords are obligated to respond promptly. If necessary repairs are ignored, tenants may have options such as withholding rent or seeking legal remedies.

Both landlords and tenants benefit from understanding and adhering to these responsibilities and rights. Doing so not only ensures legal compliance but also promotes a respectful and harmonious living environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an eviction take in Oregon?

The duration of the eviction process can vary, but typically it ranges from a few weeks to a couple of months. This time frame depends on factors like the type of eviction notice, court schedules, and whether the eviction is contested.

Can a landlord evict a tenant without going to court in Oregon?

No, a landlord cannot legally evict a tenant without a court order. Self-help evictions, such as changing locks or removing the tenant's belongings, are illegal. The proper legal process must be followed, which includes obtaining a court order.

What happens to a tenant's belongings if they are evicted?

If a tenant leaves behind personal belongings after an eviction, the landlord must follow state laws regarding handling and storage. Typically, landlords must provide notice to the tenant and allow a reasonable period for the tenant to retrieve their belongings.

Can a landlord raise rent during a lease period in Oregon?

Landlords in Oregon cannot increase rent during the first year of tenancy. After that, they can increase the rent with proper notice, but the increase is subject to certain limitations, such as a cap on the percentage increase.

What is the maximum rent increase allowed in Oregon?

Oregon limits rent increases to 7% plus the consumer price index over a 12-month period. This cap is subject to change, so it’s important to check the current regulations.

Can a tenant withhold rent for repairs in Oregon?

Tenants may have the right to withhold rent if the landlord fails to make necessary repairs, but specific conditions must be met. It’s advisable for tenants to seek legal advice before taking this step to ensure they comply with the law.

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