Pgp portable quick start guide

Portable PGP :: PGP Everywhere!


Portable PGP is a fully featured, lightweight, java based, open source PGP tool.

It allows to encrypt,decrypt,sign and verify text and files with a nice and absolutely straight graphical interface.

It's absolutely simple to use and provides everything you need to get started with PGP cryptography.

(Jun 2012) New version 1.0.7 released !
Works with Oracle Java 7, Windows 7 x64 and Ubuntu (x64) OpenJDK

On the go USB-Stick version available !
After a long wait, the USB-Stick version of PortablePGP is ready.
It's a simple zip file that you've to decompress on the root folder of your USB drive and allows to run PortablePGP on both Windows™ and Linux platforms without the need of installing it and without the need to have a Java virtual machine installed(a private JRE is bundled in)

Runs everywhere USB-Stick : Proceed to download

Otherwise, if you prefer to download and install it as a standard application

Fully automatic setup for Windows : PortablePGP-setup.exe

Standalone Application (Win/Linux) :

For safety (anti-tampering) reasons here's the keystore public cer used to sign the Jar of Portable PGP

Requirements (automatically installed if using "Fully automatic setup for Windows"):

The application is released under the terms of the GNU GPL